Academic Integration @ Mizzou

Academic Integration @ Mizzou (AIM) is a program designed to support freshman international students who are ready for academic work but simultaneously need additional English-language study because they do not meet the minimum Duolingo, TOEFL, IELTS, C1 or PTE requirements.

The program combines English Language Support Program (ELSP) courses with academic courses specifically chosen to put students in a position to succeed.

AIM Program Eligibility

The program will be eligible for freshman international students who meet all the requirements for the academic program to which they are applying and have earned a TOEFL score of 61 or higher with all parts 15 or above, or a DET score of 95 with 3 of the 4 parts at 85 or above, or an IELTS score of 6.0 with no bands below 5.5, or C1 with an overall score of 180 or higher, or PTE with an overall score of 50 or higher.

A) Those who meet the academic admission requirements for the academic program to which they are applying, and

B) Those who do not meet the full English language requirement but have a TOEFL score of 61 or higher with all parts 15 or more, or a DET score of 95 with 3 of the 4 parts at 85 or above, or an IELTS score of 6.0 with no band below 5.5, or C1 with an overall score of 180 or higher, or PTE with an overall score of 50 or higher.

C) The International Honors and International Merit scholarships require students to meet MU’s English language requirements for their academic program and are not available to students in the AIM program.

Students admitted to programs in the College of Arts and Science; College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; or College of Engineering are eligible to participate in the Academic Integration @ Mizzou (AIM) program. AIM students’ I-20s will show both the name of their academic program and the AIM program and students will begin earning credit toward the academic degree starting with their first semester. Upon arrival on campus, students will take the English Language Exam (ELE) to determine how many and which ELSP courses will be required. The ELE is administered by the Center for English Language Learning (CELL) and ELSP courses are assigned based on ELE results. If required, students will enroll in ELSP courses for 3–6 credits (one or two ELSP courses) per semester. Overall, students enroll in a minimum of 12 credits combining ELSP and academic courses in order to meet their F1 visa regulations. ELSP courses do carry credit applicable to the student’s degree plan and can fulfill graduation requirements. Grades from the courses are included in Mizzou GPA calculations. If the ELE results show that ELSP courses are not required, the student may enroll in courses chosen in consultation with an adviser.

AIM Program Details

  1. AIM students enroll in SSC 1150 — College Success Seminar in their first semester. This course introduces students to American classroom styles and expectations, and it familiarizes students with the academic support offices and programs on the MU campus.
  2. AIM students enroll in one or two of the following English Language Support Program courses in their first semester depending on their results on the English Language Exam: ELSP 3100: Grammar and Composition I, ELSP 3200: Reading and Vocabulary, ELSP 3150: Grammar and Composition II. Depending on their performance in ELSP classes, students may complete their English language requirements in their first semester, or they might be required to take additional ELSP courses.
  3. AIM students meet with an academic adviser to choose additional courses. AIM students may not enroll in any of the courses on the AIM Restricted Course list (see below). The restricted courses are selected based on data showing that they are very difficult courses for students who are still improving their English skills. After student successfully completes the AIM program, enrollment in these courses is no longer restricted.

Optional Practical Training (OPT): AIM students may not participate in OPT while enrolled in AIM but can take advantage of OPT after they complete AIM.

All Department of English (ENGLSH) courses • All MU courses (or course sections) which are designated Writing Intensive (WI)

  • BIO SC 1010, 1020, 1500
  • COMMUN 1200
  • FINANC 1000
  • GEOG 1100
  • GEOL 1100
  • HIST 1100
  • MANGMT 1010
  • PHIL 1000, 1100
  • POL SC 1100, 1400
  • PSYCH 1000
  • SOCIOL 1000

If an AIM restricted course is a primary pre-requisite for a student’s major, the academic adviser and the AIM coordinator can allow enrollment on a case-by-case basis. For example, an AIM student majoring in psychology might be allowed to enroll in PSYCH 1000, which is a primary pre-requisite for other psychology courses.

AIM students have a maximum of three full semesters (fall or spring 16-week semesters, not the summer eight-week term) to successfully complete the AIM program. Successful completion means earning a grade of C or better in SSC 1150 and passing all required ELSP courses. On completion of the AIM program, students have no further program restrictions. AIM students who do not successfully complete the AIM program within three full semesters can be dismissed from the AIM program and the university. AIM students are also subject to the probation/dismissal policies of their academic programs.

Sample Course Schedules for AIM Students

The following sample course schedules are only examples. Actual course schedules will be determined in consultation with an academic adviser. It is possible for AIM students to complete the AIM program in one, two or three semesters.

  • Semester 1: ELSP 3100 (3), ELSP 3200 (3), SSC 1150 (2), MATH 1500 (5) = 13 credits
  • Semester 2: ELSP 3150 (3), MATH 1700 (5), PHYS 2750 (5) = 13 credits

In this case, the student enrolled in two ELSP courses in Semester 1, but needed additional grammar and composition study in ELSP 3150 in Semester 2, and then completed the AIM program.

  • Semester 1: ELSP 3200 (3), ELSP 3150 (3), SSC 1150 (2), MATH 1500 (5) = 13 credits

In this case, the student enrolled in two ELSP courses in Semester 1 and didn’t need any further language study after that. The student also successfully completed SSC 1150. All AIM goals were met, and the student completed the AIM program in only one semester.

  • Semester 1: ELSP 3100 (3), ELSP 3200 (3), SSC 1150 (2), MATH 1100 (3), ECON 1014 (3) = 14 credits
  • Semester 2: ELSP 3100 (3), MATH 1300 (3), STAT 1200 (3), PHIL 1200 (3) = 12 credits
  • Semester 3: ELSP 3150 (3), MATH 1400 (3), ECON 1015 (3), STAT 2500 (3) = 12 credits

In this case, the student enrolled in two ELSP courses in Semester 1 but failed ELSP 3100 and was required to repeat ELSP 3100. The student repeated ELSP 3100 in Semester 2. The student needed additional grammar and composition study after ELSP 3100, and then enrolled in ELSP 3150 in Semester 3, and successfully completed English study in the third semester.

  • Semester 1: ELSP 3100 (3), ELSP 3200 (3), SSC 1150 (2), MATH 1300 (3), ECON 1014 (3) = 14 credits
  • Semester 2: ELSP 3100 (3), ECON 1015 (3), STAT 1200 (3), PHIL 1200 (3) = 12 credits

In this case, the student successfully completed SSC 1150 in Semester 1. The student was enrolled in two ELSP courses in Semester 1, but needed additional grammar and composition study and enrolled in ELSP 3150 in Semester 2 and successfully completed English study in the second semester.

  • Semester 1: ELSP 3150 (3), SSC 1150 (2), ECON 1014 (3), MATH 1500 (5) = 13 credits

In this case, the student enrolled in one ELSP course in Semester 1 and didn’t need any further language study after that. The student also successfully completed SSC 1150 in Semester 1. All AIM goals were met and the student completed the AIM program in only one semester.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the AIM program, send them to the Office of International Admissions or CELL.