Mizzou accepts the following types of course credit:
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma and certificates
- Cambridge Advanced Levels (A Levels)
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- Departmental Examination
- Dual Credit
Find detailed information on each of these credits below.
We do not charge a fee to post credit on your transcript earned through AP, IB or CLEP exams.
The following information applies only to exams taken during the current academic year. For information about previous academic years, contact us.
Advanced Placement Program
AP credit is generally accepted if you meet the required minimum score for each exam listed below. Visit the College Board’s website to learn how to send your scores to Mizzou. AP credit cannot be earned more than once for the same Mizzou course.
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
Government and Politics: U.S. | 3 | Pol Sci 1100 | 3 |
Government and Politics: Comparative | 3 | Pol Sci 2700 | 3 |
United States History | 3 | Hist 1400 | 5 |
European History | 3 | Hist 1510 | 3 |
World History | 3 | History/Social Science | 3 |
Econ: Macroeconomics | 3 | Econ 1015 | 3 |
Econ: Microeconomics | 3 | Econ 1014 | 3 |
Psychology | 3 | Psych 1000 | 3 |
Human Geography | 3 | Geography 1550 | 3 |
African American Studies | 3 | Black Studies elective | 3 |
4 | Black Studies 1000 | 3 |
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
English Language and Composition | 3 | English 1010W | 3 |
4 | English 1010W & 1000 | 6 | |
English Literature and Composition | 3 | English 1010W | 3 |
4 | English 1010W & 1000 | 6 | |
5 | English 1010W, 1000, & Lit | 9 |
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
Art 2-D Design | 3 | Art 2001 | 3 |
Art Drawing Portfolio | 3 | Art 1050 | 3 |
Art 3-D Design | 3 | Art 2001 | 3 |
History of Art | 3 | Art History 1130 | 3 |
4 | Art History 1110 & 1120 | 6 | |
Music Theory | 3 | Music 1211 | 2 |
5 | Music 1211 & 1300 | 3 |
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
Chinese Language and Culture | 3 | Chinese 1100 | 6 |
5 | Chinese 1100 & 1200 | 12 | |
French Language | 3 | French 2100 | 3 |
5 | French 2160 | 3 | |
French Literature | 3 | French 2160 | 3 |
5 | French 2160 & 3160 | 6 | |
German Language | 3 | German 2260 | 3 |
5 | German 2260 & 3160 | 6 | |
Italian | 3 | Italian 1200 | 5 |
5 | Italian 1200 & 2160 | 8 | |
Japanese Language and Culture | 3 | Japanese 1100 | 6 |
5 | Japanese 1100 & 1200 | 12 | |
Latin/Vergil | 3 | Latin 1100, 1200 & 2000 | 12 |
Latin/Literature | 3 | Latin 1100, 1200 & 2000 | 12 |
Spanish Language | 3 | Spanish 2160 | 3 |
Spanish Literature | 3 | Spanish 3420 | 3 |
5 | Spanish 3420 & 3430 | 6 |
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
Pre-Calculus | 3 | Math 1160 | 5 |
Calculus AB | 3 | Math 1160 & 1500 | 10 |
Calculus BC | 3 | Math 1160, 1500 & 1700 | 15 |
Calculus BC (AB Subscore) | 3 | Math 1160 & 1500 | 10 |
Computer Science A | 3 | Computer Science 2111 | 3 |
4 | Computer Science 3330 | 3 | |
Computer Science Principles | 3 | Computer Science 2001 | 3 |
Statistics | 3 | Statistics 2500 | 3 |
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
Biology | 3 | Biology 1030 | 5 |
4 | Bio Sci 1500 | 5 | |
Chemistry | 3 | Chem 1320 | 4 |
4 | Chem 1320 & 1330 | 8 | |
Environmental Science | 3 | Bio Sci 1060 | 3 |
Physics I | 3 | Physics 1210 | 4 |
Physics II | 3 | Physics 1220 | 4 |
Physics C-Mechanics | 3 | Physics 1210 | 4 |
4 | Physics 2750 | 5 | |
Physics C-Electricity/Magnetism | 3 | Physics 1220 | 4 |
4 | Physics 2760 | 5 |
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
AP Research | 3 | Misc Elec 1 | 3 |
AP Seminar | 3 | Misc Elec 2 | 3 |
International Baccalaureate Diploma & Certificates
IB credit is generally accepted if you meet the required minimum score for standard-level or higher-level exams listed below. Visit the International Baccalaureate’s website to learn how to send your IB transcript to Mizzou.
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
Business and Management SL/HL | 4 | Management 3000 | 3 |
Digital Society HL | 5 | Communication 2100 | 3 |
Digital Society SL | 5 | Communication 2100 | 3 |
Global Politics SL | 5 | Political Science 1400 | 3 |
Global Politics HL | 5 | Political Science 1400, Political Science SSC | 5 |
History SL | 5 | History/Social Science | 3 |
History HL | 5 | History/Social Science | 5 |
Geography HL | 5 | Geog 1100 & 1200 | 6 |
Economics HL | 6 | Econ Elective | 3 |
Philosophy SL | 6 | Phil 1000 | 3 |
Philosophy HL | 5 | Phil 1000 | 3 |
Psychology SL | 5 | Psych 1000 | 3 |
Psychology HL | 5 | Psych 1000 | 3 |
Social Anthropology SL/HL | 6 | Anthro 2030 | 3 |
World Religions SL | 4 | Religious Studies 2110 | 3 |
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
Chinese Language B SL | 5 | Chinese 1100 | 6 |
Chinese Language B HL | 5 | Chinese 1100 & 1200 | 12 |
English A: Literature HL | 5 | English Lit | 3 |
English A: Language & Literature HL | 5 | English Lit | 3 |
French SL | 5 | French 2160 | 3 |
French HL | 5 | French 3420 or 3430 | 3 |
German SL | 5 | German 1100 | 3 |
German HL | 5 | German 1100, 1200 & 2100 | 13 |
Spanish SL | 5 | Spanish 2160 | 3 |
Spanish HL | 5 | Spanish 3420 or 3430 | 3 |
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
Latin and Greek HL | 5 | Latin 4300 + 1100, 1200 & 2000 | 16 |
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
Theater Arts SL & HL | 5 | Theater Humanities | 3 |
Music SL & HL | 5 | Music Humanities | 3 |
Film SL & HL | 5 | Film Studies | 3 |
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
Mathematics SL | 5 | Math 1160 & 1500 | 10 |
Mathematics HL | 5 | Math 1160, 1500 & Math elective | 13 |
Math Studies SL | 5 | Math 1050 & Stat 1200 | 6 |
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches SL | 5 | Math 1100 & 1400 | 6 |
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL | 5 | Math 1160 & 1500 | 10 |
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation SL | 5 | Math 1050 | 3 |
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation HL | 5 | Math 1100 & 1400 | 6 |
Info. Tech SL & HL | 4 | Infotech Elective | 3 |
Exam | Min. Score | Mizzou Course | Credits |
Biology SL & HL | 4 | Bio Sci 1030 | 5 |
5 | Bio Sci 1500 | 5 | |
Chemistry SL | 5 | Chem 1100 | 3 |
Chemistry HL | 5 | Chem 1100 | 3 |
6 | Chem 1320 & 1330 | 8 | |
Environmental Systems & Societies SL | 4 | Biology 1060 | 3 |
Marine Science SL | 5 | Geology 1250 | 3 |
Physics HL | 5 | Physics 1210 & 1220 | 8 |
Sports, Exercise & Health Science SL & HL | 5 | Nutrition & Exercise Physiology Elective | 3 |
Cambridge Advanced Levels (A Levels)
Exam | Min. Grade | Mizzou Course | Credits |
9706 Accounting | C or higher | ACCT 2026 ACCT 2027 | 6 |
9606 Business | C or higher | MISC ELEC | 6 |
Exam | Min. Grade | Mizzou Course | Credits |
9709 Mathematics | C or higher | MATH 1160 MATH 1500 MATH 1700 | 15 |
9231 Further Mathematics | C or higher | MATH 4100A MATH 4140B STAT 4710 | 6 |
9618 Computer Science | C or higher | CMP_SC 1050 CMP_SC 2001 CMP_SC 2050 CMP_SC 2270 CMP_SC 3280 CMP_SC 3380 | 18 |
9705 Design and Technology | C or higher | MISC ELEC | 6 |
9626 Information Technology | C or higher | MISC ELEC | 6 |
Exam | Min. Grade | Mizzou Course | Credits |
9274 Classical Studies | C or higher | AMS 2100 AMS 2200 | 6 |
9093 English Language | C or higher | ENGLSH ELEC | 6 |
9695 English Literature | C or higher | ENGLSH 1160 | 3 |
9898 French Language and Literature | A* | FRENCH 1100 FRENCH 1200 FRENCH 2100 FRENCH 2160 FRENCH 3160 | 19 |
9898 French Language and Literature | A | FRENCH 1100 FRENCH 1200 FRENCH 2100 FRENCH 2160 | 16 |
9898 French Language and Literature | B | FRENCH 1100 FRENCH 1200 FRENCH 2100 | 13 |
9898 French Language and Literature | C | FRENCH 1100 FRENCH 1200 | 10 |
9897 German Language and Literature | A or higher | GERMAN 1100 GERMAN 1200 GERMAN 2100 GERMAN 2160 GERMAN 3160 | 19 |
9897 German Language and Literature | B | GERMAN 1100 GERMAN 1200 GERMAN 2100 GERMAN 2160 | 16 |
9897 German Language and Literature | C | GERMAN 1100 GERMAN 1200 GERMAN 2100 | 13 |
9844 Spanish Language and Literature | A or higher | SPAN 1100 SPAN 1200 SPAN 2100 SPAN 2160 SPAN 3150 SPAN 3160 | 22 |
9844 Spanish Language and Literature | B | SPAN 1100 SPAN 1200 SPAN 2100 SPAN 2160 | 16 |
9844 Spanish Language and Literature | C | SPAN 1100 SPAN 1200 SPAN 2100 | 13 |
Exam | Min. Grade | Mizzou Course | Credits |
9700 Biology | C or higher | BIO SC 1500 | 5 |
9701 Chemistry | C or higher | CHEM 1400 CHEM 1401 CHEM 1410 CHEM 1411 CHEM 2100 | 11 |
9702 Physics | C or higher | PHYSCS 2750 PHYSCS 2760 | 10 |
Exam | Min. Grade | Mizzou Course | Credits |
9708 Economics | C or higher | ECONOM 1014 ECONOM 1015 | 6 |
9981 European History | C or higher | HIST 1510 HIST 2520 | 6 |
9696 Geography | C or higher | GEOG 1550 GEOG 2610 GEOG ELEC | 9 |
9489 History | C or higher | HIST SSC | 6 |
9607 Media Studies | C or higher | COMMUN ELEC | 6 |
9990 Psychology | C or higher | PSYCH 1000 PSYCH BEH | 9 |
9699 Sociology | C or higher | SOCIOL 1000 | 3 |
Credit by College-Level Examination Program
You are eligible to earn CLEP credit if you have fewer than 90 hours of college credit. Credit can be applied only to a course in your program of study. In most cases, your scaled score must be higher than 50 to earn credit. Exceptions are noted below.
Credit is accepted by most individual schools and colleges but might not be considered by your specific degree program.
Visit the CLEP website to learn how to send your scores to Mizzou.
Exam | Credit | Mizzou Course |
American Government | 3 | Pol Sci 1100 |
Introductory Psychology | 3 | Psych 1000 |
Human Growth & Development | 3 | HDFS 2400 |
Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 | Econ 1015 |
Principles of Microeconomics | 3 | Econ 1014 |
Introductory Sociology | 3 | Soc 1000 |
Exam | Credit | Mizzou Course |
College French: Levels 1 & 2 | 4-8 | French 1100 & 1200 |
College German Language | 5-10 | German 1100 & 1200 |
College Spanish Language | 4-8 | Spanish 1100 & 1200 |
Exam | Credit | Mizzou Course |
American Literature | 3 | ENGL 2300 LIT elective |
English Literature | 3 | ENGL LIT |
Exam | Credit | Mizzou Course |
Calculus with Elementary Functions | 5 | Math 1500 |
College Algebra | 3 | Math 1100 |
College Mathematics | 3 | Math 1050 |
General Biology | 3 | Bio Sci 1010 |
General Chemistry | 4 | Chem 1320 |
Pre-Calculus | 5 | Math 1160 |
Exam | Credit | Mizzou Course |
Information Systems & Computer Application | 0 | – |
Principles of Management* | 3 | Mangmt 3000 |
Principles of Accounting | 0 | – |
Introductory Business Law* | 3 | Mangmt 3540 |
Principles of Marketing** | 3 | Mrktng 3000 |
* Scores of 75 or better only
** Scores of 65 or better only
Dual Credit
We accept the majority of courses taken for dual credit at regionally accredited colleges or universities. The credit must be documented on a transcript and sent to Mizzou.
There are no limits on the number of dual credits you can earn. We recommend you check with your academic department to see whether the credits will count toward your major.
Credits are more likely to be accepted if they apply to your general education requirements rather than to courses within your major.
See our transfer course equivalency site to learn more about which dual credits Mizzou accepts. If your school is not listed, Transferology can give you an idea of how your courses will apply toward a degree at Mizzou.
1-8-1-8 and UMSL Advanced Transfer Credit Programs
We accept credit earned through:
- St. Louis University’s 1-8-1-8 Advanced Transfer Credit Program
- UMSL’s Advanced Transfer Credit Program.
Send your transcript to our office to have these credits processed.