My Mizzou Story

Every Tiger has their own story, their own challenges and their own successes. Below, hear from some of the many students who make up the Mizzou family.

The Missouri Method

Rachel Henderson

“I take pride in going here because I feel like I am getting the most out of my college experience, and I am walking away with amazing, real-life skills that I can’t get anywhere else.”

Mizzou Traditions

Daniel Rhea

“I fell in love with Mizzou because of its deep sense of tradition — the things that bring everyone together to celebrate the university we call home.”

Why I chose Mizzou

Audrey Stowe

“I came for a campus visit during my junior year of high school. Passing by the Quad, the Columns and the Student Center, I felt like I was home.”

Campus & Community Life

Kayla Sydnor

“I have met so many wonderful individuals by joining organizations and breaking out of my shell. I have found myself and grown so much in my time here.”

Undergraduate Research

Mackenna Rodgers

“When classes started my freshman year, I was amazed at the research opportunities available to me. I found a professor conducting research in pharmacology, reached out to him, and within a month I had a place working in his lab.”

Get Involved at Mizzou

Aidan Matlock

“Campus has an amazing sense of community, with hundreds of big and small events throughout the year. To me, it’s things like movie and game nights that make Mizzou feel a little bit more like home.”

Engineer a Future You’ll Love

Cedric Harris

“In three years at Mizzou, I’ve conducted research, produced videos that played in packed stadiums, and studied photogrammetry over 4,000 miles away in Dublin, Ireland.”

A Major Built for You

Victoria Shore

“The Honors College lets me enrich my education by enrolling in unique classes and engaging in cutting-edge research and artistic work — all while learning from exceptional professors dedicated to helping me graduate with distinction.”

Stay Active at MizzouRec

Scott Schwartz

“Being healthy and active at Mizzou isn’t just a fun way to experience college. It’s helped me discover what I want to spend the rest of my life doing. I’m taking classes towards my degree in Sports and Fitness Programming and Management, and I’m working in my field right now.”

Housing & Dining at Mizzou

Olivia Remissong

“Living in a Mizzou residence hall is so much fun, with built-in activities in your campus neighborhood. Mizzou is so welcoming; once you step on campus, you feel how much students love being here.”

The College Tour @ Mizzou

Want more? Watch the whole episode!